Stichting Alzheimer Nederland
We all know people who suffer from Alzheimer's decease or suffering from dementia. It's a very demanding decease for the patient (m/f) himself as he looses control of his capabilities of dealing with simple things. Example is my father who slowly looses control of things he still could do the day before... For him it is very confronting. and for the informal caregiver (mantelzorger) it is very demanding and painful to watch the process. You want to help, but you can't....
That's why we strongly believe in the goals of Altheimer's foundation:
Goals Alzheimer Netherlands:
Bringing closer the future in which dementia can be prevented or cured. We do this by investing in scientific research and by providing information about the
risks of dementia and options for prevention.
Improving the quality of life of people with dementia and their environment. We promote better care through advocacy and offer people with dementia and their
carers help, support and information.
We also support research that focuses on the quality of life of people with dementia and their environment.
Inspire as many people as possible and mobilize resources to overcome dementia